The basis of most fear is uncertainty
11 Aug 2021 1:48 PM
Fear is by far the most damaging emotion we can feel from the ego side of self. Fear is what can instantly stop us in our tracks, it prompts our self-sabotage and increases worry and self-doubt. Fear instantly disconnects us from our divine intelligence and internal guidance system. Fear is an emotion of the ego and physical self.
Healthy fear alerts us to danger, and it triggers us to run or protect ourselves when faced with an imminent threat, so fear is part of our physical world built deep within us to protect us. Fear can also be destructive, the type of fear that is destructive and emotionally sabotaging is the fear that is combined with constant thinking and worry. Fear that is there to protect us is instant and does not linger, fear that is destructive is fear that produces constant worry and over thinking that keeps you in a state of stress. If you go deeper into this type of fear you will find uncertainty, and this is generally the basis from which this type of fear originates and then struggles with.
The reason, the ego part of self thinks it is safe if it is certain and so only that which can give it certainly will appease these fears. Sometimes something can for a short time but then uncertainty kicks in again and triggers more fear. That is because nothing in life is certain. We are constantly evolving and growing, and things are constantly changing. Therefore, to be certain about anything would mean the world would need to stand still.
Our logical mind can conjure up a fear about just about anything, but our most common fears are our fear of death, fear of loss, and fear of failure. When you look at this honestly, we have no way of avoiding death and loss and nothing in life is guaranteed. So why do some people have such an unhealthy relationship to the natural flow of life? My belief and answer is because they have disconnected from the natural laws of nature and their own divine essence and spirit.
How do we heal from this affliction of fear? By reconnecting to the part of you that knows how to navigate your path, that which can never die and be lost, your spirit! And, by also forming a healthy relationship with both your positive and negative emotions. We can’t be happy all the time, it is okay to feel sad. When we accept all our emotions both good and bad it gives you permission to experience all the emotions of life, you can then stop chasing the un-catchable ever happy feeling and you can give yourself permission to grieve and permission to move on from grief back into life with acceptance and with out feeling guilty.
When fear and doubt is present, have you noticed that the same fears and doubts keep going around and around in your mind trying to seek an outcome? This is because the logical side of you has no access to the intuitive side of you, the logical side has no intuition and cannot see the future. It can only access what you have learnt up until now to filter your thoughts through. If it finds an answer it will then often analyse these thoughts and worry about them too.
To navigate yourself out of your fears you can bring your spirit online and connect to your natural intuition. Your internal guidance system. You may have to learn how and learn another way of being, but it is the only way you will ever find internal peace. When you hand over your fear to your internal guidance system, you will know via gut instinct what is right for you because it will feel right. You will know what path to take because it will resonate with you. You may not instantly feel certainty, but uncertainty and fear will be replaced by faith, both faith in yourself and in a much higher power than the ego. If you struggle with the fear and uncertainty in the world today, then connect to your spirit, your reason for being here and your heart and intuition. This is where you will find inner peace and the guidance needed to navigate yourself out of your fears and into a balanced life that is right for you.
If you want to learn how to make conscious contact with your spiritual side of self and heal the parts of yourself that sabotage your life and keep you in fear, and my guidance resonates with you, then I invite you to have a chat. By having a chat with me I will share with you how I feel I can help you and you will also receive the opportunity of get my mentoring program for half price. There is absolutely no pressure or obligation. If it is right for you, it is right for you if not then our chat may prompt you to what is. Just connect with me in the contact love Julie K