It's okay to not be okay...
9 Oct 2017 9:25 AMJulie Kay
In the world of spiritual and self-development there is an emphasis on evolving the self to be happy and living life in joyful surrender. However, we live in a dual reality where pain and loss exist and we have lots to learn, so you are not always going to be farting glitter and kissing rainbows. This can be challenging when you have been going along so well and wham the universe throws you a curve ball to sit you on your butt. In this state of not being okay is where guilt, shame and negative thinking can drag you into a dark hole which has you feeling like there is no way back to the rainbows.
I want to give you hope that this dark place will not last forever and it is a place where you can learn a lot about yourself and your spirit. We don’t learn as much when things are going along fine. We learn more when we are challenged and pushed out of our comfort zone, your dark place is saying you have something to learn and evolve. Be okay with not being okay, it’s an integral part of our learning here as a physical being. You don’t want to remain there of course as you would not be evolving and growing but don’t allow this negative place to drag you deeper just because you are there. Embrace the dark and ask it what is it trying to teach you. Do you need to learn to love and accept yourself more, do you need to learn to say no and to stop being at everyone’s beck and call? Do you need to find balance in your life or find a new job? Or do you just need time to grieve a loss that you didn’t want to experience? Give yourself permission to feel the negative. If you were never to experience the negative you would never know what the contrast of the positive is. If you didn’t experience sadness how would you know what happiness is. If you didn’t experience loss how would you know what receiving was. Good and bad are part of the dual world you live in and therefore you will experience both at times. If you learn to listen to your spirit and what it is teaching you, you will get through these times a lot quicker and without the emotional turmoil keeping you stuck for ages. You will learn what life is teaching you and you will be back farting glitter and kissing rainbows in no time. If the darkness does hang around too long, don’t suffer it alone get support if you need, talk to a friend an adviser or spiritual counsellor to help you find your balance and discover what you need to learn. love and light Julie K