November 2014 Numerology Report
16 Dec 2014 5:39 PMJulie Kay
November vibrates with the energy of the double 1 and the single 2. This energy resonates with a master vibration of enlightenment, acceptance, humility, creativity, confidence and the energies of cooperation, diplomacy, peacemaking, receiving, sensitivity, balance and beauty.
The theme of this month is of peace, love, compassion and humanity. November is a great month to discover new partnerships either in business or personal. November is also a lucky month to marry or make a commitment to your partner. Lasting partnerships occur when the two individual’s stands together as the two 11’s suggest, each person independent and equal and coming together in mutual respect and love. If you are already in a relationship a great month to revisit romance and enjoy your togetherness. This month is also an excellent month to communicate with diplomacy your feelings to a partner or family member with whom you have become emotionally detached from. Standing in the energy of peacemaking, compassion and forgiveness to rebuild and heal your bond.
Take time to connect to your inner beauty this month, and also the natural beauty this planet has to offer. Take yourself out into nature and enjoy the peaceful and beautiful energy that is our gift and always offers an instant recharge. Those born under the master number 11 (2) this includes birth and life path numbers containing 11, 29, 38 will be supported universally to enhance their intuitive, creative self and to be able to stand more confidently in taking charge of their own direction. You will easily attract all you need to help you do this in November if you remain well balanced.
Combine the energy of the 2014 (7) year with the energy of this month 11 (2) and relationships and partnerships are in the spot light. The 7 brings the opportunity to find harmony and grace in relationships. When I talk about relationships I am talking about everyone in your life, because everyone is a relationship in some form, from family members, to coworkers to the random people in the street. They are all just different forms of relationships and they are all able to teach you about yourself. If any of your relationships need communication, this is the month to have it. Those who are communicating well and are in alignment, have a joyous month ahead. If however, relationships have been a struggle then this energy will stir this up even more, at this time you are being supported to find harmony. That harmony may just be from within as you learn to live and let live. The master vibration of the 11 tells us that we are all the same, and made out of the same stuff, we all have a physical body and we all have a spirit, yet we are all unique. Therefore we all have different values, different beliefs and different opinions and everyone is at their own stage of evolution. If we spend our energy in conflict trying to get others to see it our way then we only rob ourselves of our own harmony. Live and let live. Accept and allow others to have their own beliefs and their own opinions, knowing you don’t need to make other peoples your own.
New directions and opportunities can pop up for many and those working on their path to self will get a universal helping hand, the 11 is all about the mastery of self. The master vibration also brings in magic for those looking for love, so they may just find it, this month. This master number will however make sure those rose coloured classes are difficult to keep on. If you are not seeing things in their true light be prepared for it to be shown to you. Partnerships on a business level will also have the light shone upon them and energies that work well and are in harmony will flourish, while those with issues will have them bought out into the open.
If you are looking within and on a self-healing path this is a great month to receive an extra boost. Just keep in mind that when we are unaware that there is something that needs healing or changing, we attracted others and circumstances to bring it to our attention. At the time this can be quite challenging but it always offers an opportunity for growth. Always reflect back to self and ask what part of me is attracting this and how can I heal it? We will never find harmony and grace in frustration, anger, fear, guilt, judgments, blame and justifications. So this month it’s time to take stock and start to remove these energies from your life if you are wanting more harmony, grace and enlightenment.
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