December 2014 Numerology Report
9 Jan 2015 6:38 PMJulie Kay
December vibrates with the single energy of the number 3 with the influence of the numbers 1 and 2. The single three is the energy vibration of social-able, confidence, communicative, creative, optimism, cheerfulness, entertaining, friendship, joy and expression. The 3 is also the number of the channel so an ideal energy to create new ideas, search for inner wisdom or connect to your own ability to self-heal.
December vibrates with the single energy of the number 3 with the influence of the numbers 1 and 2. The single three is the energy vibration of social-able, confidence, communicative, creative, optimism, cheerfulness, entertaining, friendship, joy and expression. The 3 is also the number of the channel so an ideal energy to create new ideas, search for inner wisdom or connect to your own ability to self-heal.December vibrates with the single energy of the number 3 with the influence of the numbers 1 and 2. The single three is the energy vibration of social-able, confidence, communicative, creative, optimism, cheerfulness, entertaining, friendship, joy and expression. The 3 is also the number of the channel so an ideal energy to create new ideas, search for inner wisdom or connect to your own ability to self-heal.
December is a very social month with the festive season coming into full swing, and many will experience the energy of joy and entertaining through Christmas parties and family gatherings. Having influence from the 1 and 2 this month will mean we have the enhanced ability to look within and connect to self and discover our truth through relationships with others. Remember we discover self through and with the help of those around us, who reflect the aspects of self we need to evolve like a mirror, and yes, this can be by pushing our buttons. If someone is pushing your buttons look within and try and see what is the part of self you are needing to heal and evolve.
December is a great month to connect on a heartfelt level to our loved ones. If you have loved ones who have passed, it’s a time their energy will be enhanced as we turn our thoughts and memories in their direction for the festive season and that invites them to connect back to us. They are never far away and celebrations are just as special for them as they are to us, and a time they will not want to miss. Look for the signs your loved ones passed leave you. If you want to learn more about connecting to your loved ones passed, my workbook Life after Life communication can help you. You can view this at
Combine the energy of the 12 (3) month with the 2014 (7) year and the energy of the 3 is supporting us for self-healing and discovery of our more authentic self. Last month was pretty tough for some as relationships with others was the focus. This month that vibration is still being carried forward by the (2) and again the relationship with self (1) and others (2) will mean if you are needing to learn something here it’s going to be bought to your attention. Expect the unexpected when it comes to relationships this month. While some will move forward on a deeper level others will find that they just aren’t in alignment and move on.
This is a time of the year we are asked to give thanks and gratitude for what we have and send some prayers to those less fortunate and in need of love and healing. Christmas is the time of giving and helping, this is the time of the spiritual revolution. The revolution of everyday people or what I like to call everyday heroes doing what they can to make this world a better place. You only need to look in your own community to find these people making a difference to the lives of others every day. The news likes to focus on all the bad in the world, and so often we miss the good that is happening all around us. This is a time of year we say thank you to these people who volunteer or work with others with a vision of making a difference. If you are one of these people thank you, you are a treasure to the world today. J
December will be a month that can offer some extra special energy to relationships, healing, inspiration, creativeness and self-confidence. Let your imagination flow and allow it to connect you to your inspiration. What would you like to achieve and what would you like to do? Allow these new thoughts of direction to surface. Next month when you go into January with the energy of the 1, you will be ready to put your inspirations into action and allow the new beginnings of January to help propel you along towards your new found dreams and inspirations for 2015.
To finish off this year and kick start next year I have put together my 2015 - The Year of Infinite Connection Report. This contains information on what we can expect for 2015 and a great little exercise you can do to make sure you have the best year ever! I do this little exercise every year and when I look back over the past few, I have achieved everything I had set out to do. To get your FREE report just download directly from
I am also offering a special price on the 12page 2015 Personal numerology reports
December is amplified with joy and celebrations and perfect for family and social get togethers. So have a wonderful December and Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. Julie Kay