Shift Sanctuary Oct 18 Vicki
28 Dec 2018

Thank you, joining you for the Shift Sanctuary has helped me to see why I have been sitting in the same place for so long now, how my Soul Lesson has affected my life and how to Stop reacting to others who push my buttons. You have shown me the skills I need to move my life forward, to face my fears and be really honest with myself, leaving behind my guilt and old habits which have made life so hard at times.
Thank you, joining you for the Shift Sanctuary has helped me to see why I have been sitting in the same place for so long now, how my Soul Lesson has affected my life and how to Stop reacting to others who push my buttons.
You have shown me the skills I need to move my life forward, to face my fears and be really honest with myself, leaving behind my guilt and old habits which have made life so hard at times.
To focus on yourself, to love yourself, is something most women don’t do, but something we must do to be more positive, rewarding and caring as this helps us all be truely happy, something we all want, which you totally get Julie, and the gentle way you help us go about this is truly inspiring, a beautiful retreat, such a safe and calm environment that allows us to stop, relax and recharge while on this wonderful journey of self. Vicki