Sandra Robe SA 3 Day Retreat
23 Mar 2015

Thank you for delivering such a great workshop. I read your book and then did your one day workshop (soul mate school), and during this time also had 2 readings. I connected with the work and the idea of soul lessons. I decided to do the 3 day retreat. I had a lot of reservations as I was already in a relationship that was going along quite well, and was unsure of what else I needed to work on.
Thankfully during the workshop, after facing one of my biggest challenges and standing up and telling my part of the story, I started to let my walls come down. The first day was quite emotional and draining, the second day was emotional but also more connecting for me. The third day was challenging with a lot more information being passed on. Overall in the 3 days I have achieved my intentions and gained confidence in having strategies to work on myself and living with unconditional love. I feel now is the time for me to shine and become my true and authentic self. I would like to thank Julie for all her hard work & persistence with me and helping me to evolve. Thanks Julie for all your knowledge. Love and light Sandra