Kerrie SA Robe 3 Day Love Life Retreat
23 Mar 2015 1:32 PMJulie Kay
It all makes so much sense!
After attending the love life retreat, I was able to unlock the mystery of repeated negative behaviors, which had attracted relationships doomed to fail. Armed with new skills taught by Julie, I am looking forward to a love filled future. Many, many thanks Julie, Kerrie
Belinda SA Robe 3 Day Retreat
23 Mar 2015 1:30 PMJulie Kay
The 3 Day Love Life Retreat delivered everything that I was hoping for and much, much more. As challenging as the retreat can be, the opportunity to change the way I was having relationships and living my life was worth its weight in Gold!
Trish SA Robe 3 Day Retreat
23 Mar 2015 1:28 PMJulie Kay
I have known for several years that things weren’t right and that I needed to work on me, but haven’t had the courage to do anything. I thought that my past pain and the issues they caused would be too difficult an obstacle to overcome.
Sandra Robe SA 3 Day Retreat
23 Mar 2015 1:25 PMJulie Kay
Thank you for delivering such a great workshop. I read your book and then did your one day workshop (soul mate school), and during this time also had 2 readings. I connected with the work and the idea of soul lessons. I decided to do the 3 day retreat. I had a lot of reservations as I was already in a relationship that was going along quite well, and was unsure of what else I needed to work on.