Kasey NSW
17 Dec 2014 12:47 PMJulie Kay
Prior to attending the love life retreat I felt consumed by life’s challenges, I felt lost and defeated and couldn’t understand why. Once enlightened with the knowledge of my soul lessons I have been able to put things back into perspective. These wonderful tools have helped me take control of my life again. I am every so grateful Julie, thank you... - Kasey NSW
Lisa Mt Gambier SA
17 Dec 2014 12:43 PMJulie KaySince the retreat I have managed to face an internal challenge that was really affecting my life. I would never have even known where to begin if I hadn't been to the 3 day program. I am back on track thanks to the training and life is a lot more positive. I am just loving the meditations and I have already achieved my major goal set at the retreat. Thank you Julie this program really has helped me change my life. - Lisa Mt Gambier SA
Donna NSW
17 Dec 2014 12:34 PMJulie Kay
Since the 3 day retreat, I am now so much more inspired, it's like life has just begun, I have a much greater understanding of my soul's life purpose and lessons and the law of attraction which has proved that I am certainly in control of designing my own destiny.
Taryn Berkley Townsville QLD
17 Dec 2014 12:32 PMJulie KayFor me personally this knowledge has been nothing short of life changing. To know and understand why people are motivated to do the things they do and attract the situations they do has completely changed the way I look at myself, others and the dynamics within relationships.
Margo NSW
17 Dec 2014 12:29 PMJulie Kay
Hello Jules, Thank you for you for sharing your gift with me. The retreat was amazing. You gave me the tools to respond and not react to life's challenges. I now feel comfortable accepting me for me and am working towards loving me (and not feeling guilty). I would recommend this retreat to anyone who is asking questions about what do I want from life, or how do I become the best person I can be? - Margo NSW
17 Dec 2014 12:27 PMJulie Kay
The Love Life retreat has turned my life around. I have gone from negative to positive, from being overwhelmed to being in control, from feeling numb to feeling everything, from isolation to being in the mainstream. I have a better relationship with my children, and energy to spare. Thank you Julie Kay - Val NSW
Yvette SA
17 Dec 2014 12:25 PMJulie Kay
This retreat helped me discover aspects of my personality and being that I was totally oblivious to. As a professional working in human services, I believed psychology and knowledge of human behaviors would give me all the answers to my personal issues, however this workshop opened a window to my soul and touched me very deeply. - Yvette SA